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    We realize this small, and necessarily incomplete, article on money may be charged with oversimplification.  Some may say that if it is that simple the people would have known about it, and it could not have happened.  But this MONEY-LENDERS' consPIRACY is as old as Babylon, and even in America it dates far back before the year 1913.  Actually, 1913 may be considered the year in which their previous plans came to fruition, and the way opened for complete economic conquest of our people.  The consPIRACY is old enough in America so that its agents have been, for many years, in positions such as newspaper publishers, editors, columnists, church ministers, university presidents, professors, textbook writers, labor union leaders, movie makers, radio and TV commentators, politicians from school board members to U.S. presidents, and many others.

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Please tell your senator how we can end recession and obtain wealth for every U.S. Citizen!
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