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In 1910 the U.S. Federal debt was only $1 billion, or $12.40 per citizen.  State and local debts were practically non-existent.

    By 1920, after only 6 years of Federal Reserve shenanigans, the Federal debt had jumped to $24 billion, or $228 per person.

    In 1960 the Federal debt reached $284 billion, or $1,575 per citizen and State and local debts were mushrooming.

    By 1981 the Federal debt passed $1 trillion and was growing exponentially as the Banker's tripled the interest rates.  State and local debts are now MORE than the Federal, and with business and personal debts totaled over $6 trillion, 3 times the value of all land and buildings in America.

    If we signed over to the money-lenders all of America we would still owe them 2 more Americas (plus their usury, of course).

    However, they are too cunning to take title to everything.  They will instead leave you with some "illusion of ownership" so you and your children will continue to work and pay the Bankers more of your earnings on ever-increasing debts.  The "establishment" has captured our people with their ungodly system of usury and debt as certainly as if they had marched in with a uniformed army.

To understand it really is a "conquest," go back and read the "Three Types of Conquest" again.

the money vacuum

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