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    If the Federal Congress failed to act, or acted wrongly, in the supply of money, the citizens would use the ballot or recall petitions to replace those who prevented correct action with others whom the people believe would pursue a better money policy. Since the creation of money and its issuance in sufficient quantity would be one of the few functions of Congress, the voter could decide on a candidate by his stand on money instead of the hundreds of lesser and deliberately confusing subjects which are presented to us today.  And since money is, and would remain, a national function, local differences or local factions would not be able to sway the people from the nation's (citizens') interest.  All other problems, except the nation's defense, would be taken care of in the State, County, or City governments where they are best handled and most easily corrected.

    An adequate national defense would be provided by the same citizen-controlled Congress, and there would be no Bankers behind the scenes, bribing politicians to give $200 billion of American military equipment to other nations, disarming us, while alien nations prepare to attack and invade the United States of America. (9-11-01)

According to a report by the United States government released (8/22/01), global arms sales rose 8% to $36.9 billion, the highest it has been since 1993. The U.S. led the world in sales last year, comprising over half of the total market, with $18.6 billion. 66% of sales went to developing nations such as Saudi Arabia and India, which is down from a 3-year average of 70.2% between 1997-2000. The US was followed by Russia ($17.7 billion), France ($4.1 billion), Germany ($1.1 billion), Britain ($600 million) and China ($400 million) in total sales....

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